136号选手: 李若耘





I’m Wendy, 17 year old residing in White Rock. I immigrated almost a decade ago from Shanghai, the city that never sleeps, to White Rock, a way too sleepy town. With the immigration came the loss of the exciting city life, the degeneration of friendships, and ultimately, the deterioration of my language ability. Hence why, I regret to not be able to express my self as fluently in Chinese. My primary passion, to be honest, isn’t for acting specifically. I am a reporter and journalist, and I have an appeal for people and their stories. I wish to understand how humans make decisions and interact with others. I want to pursue a major in sociology. Acting, to me, brings a different dimension to my love for people and stories. What better way to understand someone, a character, or another individual, then to step in their shoes, surrender to their emotions, and walk their path of life? That’s what appeals to me the most.



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