The Kozmik...

The Kozmik Zoo 地址: 53 West Broadway Vancouver...

The Lampli...

The Lamplighter Public House 地址: 92 Water St Vanc...

The London...

The London Cafe 地址: 12251 Horseshoe Way Richmond...

The Narrow...

? The Narrow Lounge 地址: 1898 Main St Vancouver...

Taiwan Bee...

Taiwan Beef Noodle King 地址: 8335 Oak Street Vanco...

Tangent Ca...

Tangent Cafe 地址: 2095 Commercial Dr Vancouver...

Taser Gril...

? Taser Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 地址: Main Street...

Thai Expre...

Thai Express 地址: 6-701 Georgia Street West Vancou...

The Baker ...

The Baker & The Chef Sandwich Cafe 地址: 320 Cambie...

The Beaver...

The Beaver & Mullet Canadian Bistro 地址: 1184 Denm...

The Cannib...

The Cannibal Cafe 地址: 1818 Commercial Dr Vancouve...

The Charla...

The Charlatan 地址: 1447 Commercial Dr Vancouver...